Everyone is right at least once.

I have a wise friend. She is stealthy, not showy. Her personality is outgoing; most people who meet her would describe her as an extrovert. I have the privilege of knowing better, knowing her better. She is an introvert and a master of deflection. 

Over the decades we have been friends, I have learned many things from her. Sometimes, she has to remind me of past lessons. I can be a slow learner.

My favorite bit of wisdom most recently delivered was “Everyone is right at least once.”. 

Think about it. The people you disagree with most, the people you find really annoying, the family member who always knows best-Everyone is right at least once. The beauty of this is not just the most obvious truth in the statement, it is in the deeper invitation to remove barriers and prejudices, to listen without assumptions. An invitation to remove one’s own need to be right. 


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